
Every 2nd Saturday from 13:12 to 17:00 we do Animal Liberation Square.

We display videos of the torture that is commonly referred to with the euphemism “animal agriculture”, and we talk with those passing by about the necessity of going vegan.

Next time is September 28th on Kultorvet, Copenhagen.

Animal Liberation Square on Kåltorvet

#square #outreach

Debatindlæg i Politiken af Dyrenes Detektiv om DR-dokumentaren Hvis grise kunne tale:

Hvilken pointe er der i at lytte til dyrets lidelser, blot for at evaluere, hvor godt de smager?

#gris #kød

There's been some talk about apps for activists, so I thought I'd write a list of my favourites.

They're all available on F-Droid (like Google Play but for free software).

They don't require any of your information:

  • no phone number,
  • no email address,
  • no nothing.

1. Organic Maps

🗺️ An easy-to-use offline map (as opposed to Google Maps which requires you to be always online), Organic Maps even has offline address lookup and route planning! This means that whatever you look up and your saved locations aren't sent anywhere.

One downside is that official bike routes aren't clearly labelled, but check out Trekarta for that.

2. Alibi

📹 If you're filming in a hostile environment, the stock camera app is not always the best choice. Someone else can stop your recording by pressing the lock button. Or maybe you don't want others to know you're recording.

Alibi can record video and audio in the background, even when the phone is locked, and save it on demand.

A similar app is FadCam.

3. Share via HTTP

☁️ Even today, sending a large file from one phone to another is a puzzle. If we want to avoid surveillance capitalist megacorps then Google Drive, Dropbox and OneDrive are no-go.

Even if you find a cool file sharing app, your friend probably has an iPhone and the app isn't on the App Store because the developers don't have a bag of money to pay the corporate overlords for permission to share their app.

Well, you're in luck because Share via HTTP has blazing fast transfers over your local WiFi hotspot. Much faster than Bluetooth. The recipient only needs to have any web browser available, so sending to an obsolete iPhone or Blackberry is no problemo.

4. Guerrilla Mail

📩 Want to get tickets for EvilExpo24 but don't want to give them your email address? Get a temporary email address in literally a second by opening Guerilla Mail.

5. Seal

🦭 Seal can download videos from almost any website. Useful for archiving documentation and research that could otherwise be lost.

6. InviZible Pro

👁️‍🗨️ Disguise your IP by routing the internet traffic from (some of) your apps through the Tor network with InviZible Pro.

7. LibreTorrent

🌀 Netflix, Amazon and Disney are on the boycot list, so now is the time to cancel your subscription and start torrenting films and series instead!

Search for torrents with the Torrents-csv app, and click on the result to download it with LibreTorrent. Remember to use a VPN, like RiseupVPN or CalyxVPN.

8. Briar

🧅 Yes, Signal with its end-to-end encryption is a vast improvement over proprietary spyware messengers, being mostly free.

However, Signal does ask for your phone number; it uses Google Play Services for notifications; and it relies on centralized servers in the USA, so if those go down, Signal goes down world wide.

Briar is refreshingly different. The Briar servers can't be taken down, because there aren't any; instead your phone is the server (with what is called an Onion Service). This means your and your friend's phones must both be on at the same time for messages to be sent between them.

If the internet is completely shut down, Briar can pass messages via Bluetooth or WiFi hotspot.

Sadly, iOS does not allow for such cool apps, because Briar needs to keep the connection open in the background instead of relying on push notifications from a centralized server, so this one is currently Android and desktop only.

9. FindMyDevice

📲 With FindMyDevice you can remote control your device via SMS or Signal messages to, yes, find your device by getting a reply with the coordinates. You can also remotely wipe your device or take photos. Access is protected by a PIN or by chosen contacts.

10. ObscuraCam

🫥 ObscuraCam is allegedly supposed to be able to blur faces in videos:

ObscuraCam automatically detects faces in both photos and videos, so you can quickly and easily anonymize a crowd or a long video.

Turns out it doesn't work. So don't download it anyway.

For anonymizing videos, with enough persistence, I'm almost sure it'd be possible to get something like deface to run inside Termux.

It's still #10 on this list to encourage someone to make an easy-to-use free app that blurs faces in videos. We need that.

#apps #fdroid

Henrik Vinfeldt, som nedlukkede Veganerpartiet og snuppede alle bidragene for at købe en Tesla, fyrer den max af med misogynistisk homofobisk islamofobisk piveri om, hvor stakkels han er, fordi folk siger fra over fra hans offentlige støtte til fascister.

Han fortjener en vegansk milkshake.

#podcast #veganerpartiet #cringe #taber

De mennesker, der er blevet sure på mig[,] er de samme mennesker, der siger, at man skal være inkluderende: mænd skal gå i kjoler, og homoseksuelle skal vies i kirken.


Are you coming to Conference for Animal Liberation Copenhagen in late August?

🎟👉 Info and tickets here

😻 Please share this message with your vegan and not-yet-vegan friends and family to help us spread the word without having to pay fascist-owned social media empires.

👁️‍🗨️ These are some of the speakers who'll be there:

Gerrah Selby from Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty

The only thing worse than the consequences of taking action is looking back and knowing you should have done something, but didn’t.

Christopher Sebastian

We think that we’ve made these decisions independently, about how we eat animals or how we treat other animals. Or why ‘I just love bacon’ it’s like. No, you don’t, what you actually love is a decades-long campaign of misinformation, and disinformation mixed in with a lot of mythology — and a healthy dose of white supremacy.

cancelled: Steve Best from Animal Liberation Press Office

The vegan and the animal rights movement is suffering from Stockholm syndrome. [...] They identify with their oppressors. They sympathize with their oppressors.

I seneste episode af Utopisk Front drager to “anarkister” en parallel (om end “ikke direkte”) fra konspiratoriske new-age nazister til de veganere, der protesterer imod dansk våbenexport til israel. Harald minkpels udstoppet-fasan læderhansker og champagne Toksværd forklarer en enig Ulrik Myrtue om, hvor “pisseirriterende” veganerne at høre på:

En anden sammenligning med mine erfaringer på vensttefløjen med dyrerettighedsblokken, som jeg også synes er meget sammenlignelig med konspirationsteoretikerne er at lige pludselig kan man ikke tale om andet. Jeg tror at der er enormt mange der oplever, at der kommer dyrerettighedsaktivister ud til andre arrangementer og vil udelukkende snakke dyrerettigheder, ik'? Jeg ved at det skete ved blokaden af Terma i forhold til våbendele til Israel her for nylig, ik'?

Hele episoden kan høres her: Utopisk Front Podcast: Ep. 23, del 1 – Konspirationsteorier: magt, viden og fremmedgørelse (m. Harald Octavia Toksværd)

#podcast #antiveganisme

Filosofistuderende Adam Yahya har været på Radio4 for at diskutere komælk med Kjartan Poulsen, formanden for danske mælkeproducenter, og med DTU fødevareinstituttet.

#mælk #podcast

Stefan har startet sultestrejke foran Café Mellemfolk i Aarhus. Det har fået Mellemfolkelig Samvirke til at lyve til Aarhus Stifttidende om at de ikke sælger mælk:

»Og det, han ikke ved og som er lidt pudsigt, er, at vi i forvejen ikke sælger komælk i øjeblikket. Vi kører nemlig en forsøgsordning, hvor vi prøver at se, hvordan det fungerer uden salg af komælk.«

Dog er de vrisne over at denne komælkvm, som de ikke sælger, bliver byttet ud med havremælk:

»De (red. aktivister) har tidligere stjålet vores mælk, chikaneret vores frivillige, filmet dem og så videre.«

#mælk #milkwars #mellemfolkelig

Hver fredag aften (fra 19-tiden) er der madklub i Dyreretshuset. Kom forbi!

Hvis du har mulighed:

  • Madklub MobilePay: 2861RB

#begivenheder #drh #fundraiser #mad

filling for ...

... a wrap


Nye klistermærker: “Animals don’t deserve violence.”

Kom og hent nogle. Du kan også støtte vores arbejde. I 2024 gælder donationer firedobbelt, så hvis du giver 100 kr bliver vi lige så glade som hvis du havde givet 400 kr. For kun 10 kr kan du være med til at fornærme 4 dyremishandlere.

#fundraiser #klistermærker